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Clinical trials

Clinical trials are sets of tests performed for medical research and drug development which is used to extract safety and efficacy data.

Contributors in 臨床試験

Clinical trials


; 臨床試験

米国では、食品医薬品局 (FDA) 承認が必要、物質薬として販売することができます前に。承認プロセスには前臨床実験室および臨床試験の安全性と有効性、出願、新しい薬、薬の製造元、FDA の見直し、アプリケーションのアプリケーションの FDA の承認/却下のため動物研究を含むいくつかの手順が含まれます。 ...

; 臨床試験

Any of the treatment groups in a randomized trial. Most randomized trials have two "arms," but some have three "arms," or even more.


; 臨床試験



; 臨床試験

Refers to the testing of experimental drugs in the test tube or in animals - the testing that occurs before trials in humans may be carried out.


; 臨床試験

吸収、分布、代謝、薬やワクチンの排泄の (生物) のプロセス。


; 臨床試験

A placebo is an inactive pill, liquid, or powder that has no treatment value. In clinical trials, experimental treatments are often compared with placebos to assess the treatment's effectiveness.


; 臨床試験

A supposition or assumption advanced as a basis for reasoning or argument, or as a guide to experimental investigation.


Protein Powders

カテゴリ: Health   1 4 用語

J.R.R. Tolkien

カテゴリ: 文学   2 7 用語