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言語; 言語学習

Pronounced bromshi; Complete disorder and confusion, a jumble or disorderly mass, a mess, absolute chaos, a total lack of ...


コンピュータ; コンピュータハードウェア

Term used to describe Apple addicts, who must always be amongst the first to buy all the newest Apple Gadgets, think poorly of ...


政治; 政治全般

´Wazabanga': 1. A ruthless obsession with power, money and status, which leaves no room for ethics and morality 2. The law of ...


言語; 翻訳

Perplexed about what "please don't rock" on the public bathroom sign really means? What you need is a chinglation! Chinglation ...

space funeral

プライベートライフ; 葬儀

A form of burial service that sends the dead body into space instead of burring it on earth. The idea with space funeral is that ...

smog mining

公害防止; 大気汚染

Smog mining is the practice of harvesting minerals and other valuable elements from polluted air used in the manufacturing of ...

symbol knitting

通信&コミュニケーション; 書面による通信

Creating a figure or pattern with all kinds of punctiation marks in order to express some kind of feeling or message - used in ...


心理学; 感情と状態

The realigination is imagining what we want to reach until it becomes a reality. The concept is present in the psychology and ...


アート&クラフト; モダンアート

The object responsible for the transformation of ideas into tangible reality. Originating from the latin term "omni" (meaning ...


言語; スラング

Bread in slang means money ,, people say : I need some bread to pay for my car , bread here means money.

ally espionage

政治; 国際政治

This term refers to the event on spying of the United States on its ally.


ツール; 絵筆、はけ

A made up word meaning pen from a book called Frindle written for children. Frindle is based on a 1996 children's novel written ...

Human advancements demand new terms.

Languages evolve over time, changing and growing with society’s needs. No other time in human history has seen such profound and rapid language development.

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