ホーム > 用語 > マケドニア語 (MK) > говорник на мајчин јазик
говорник на мајчин јазик
A person who speaks the first language he or she learned, which may or may not be the person’s dominant language or language of primary competence. Native speakers can have a grossly inadequate knowledge of their native language, depending on their education and the country where that education was obtained. For example, a person born in Mexico who immigrated to the United States as a child and received all his education here, is a native speaker of Spanish but will have a very limited knowledge of that language; his dominant language will be English.
- 品詞: 名詞
- 同義語
- ブロッサリ
- 産業/ドメイン 翻訳&ローカリゼーション
- カテゴリ バーチャルカンファレンス
- Company:
- 製品
- 頭文字-略称:
産業/ドメイン 事故、事件、イベント カテゴリ 災害
A disaster which occurred in the Chernobyl power plant in 1986, where one out of four nuclear reactors in the plant exploded, resulting in at least 5% ...