ホーム > Blossary: Information Technology
The entire spectrum of technologies for information processing, including software, hardware, communications technologies and related services. In general, information technology (IT) does not include embedded technologies that do not generate data for enterprise use.

カテゴリ Technology

Company: Gartner

1778 Terms

Created by: consultant

Number of Blossarys: 2

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Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) is the process of monitoring performance across the enterprise with the goal of improving business performance. An EPM system integrates and analyzes data from ...

Domain: Technology; カテゴリー: Information technology

Enterprise portals (EPs) are internet technologies that provide windows into enterprise information, applications and processes. EPs go by many names, including corporate portals, business portals ...

Domain: Technology; カテゴリー: Information technology

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is defined as the ability to deliver an integrated suite of business applications. ERP tools share a common process and data model, covering broad and deep ...

Domain: Technology; カテゴリー: Information technology

Enterprise risk management (ERM) applications support the establishment of an integrated, thorough and strategic approach to the management of risk across the organization by helping organizations to ...

Domain: Technology; カテゴリー: Information technology

Enterprise security intelligence (ESI) is a concept that recognizes security intelligence as an explicit deliverable, and designates it as a strategic security objective for the enterprise’s IT ...

Domain: Technology; カテゴリー: Information technology

Enterprise social software is typically used to enhance social networks, both within the enterprise and across key members of the enterprise’s supply and distribution chains. Implementers view social ...

Domain: Technology; カテゴリー: Information technology

Enterprise solutions are designed to integrate multiple facets of a company’s business through the interchange of information from various business process areas and related databases. These ...

Domain: Technology; カテゴリー: Information technology

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A computing practice whereby scalable and elastic ...

カテゴリー: Technology

By: consultant