ホーム > Blossary: Information Technology
The entire spectrum of technologies for information processing, including software, hardware, communications technologies and related services. In general, information technology (IT) does not include embedded technologies that do not generate data for enterprise use.

カテゴリ Technology

Company: Gartner

1778 Terms

Created by: consultant

Number of Blossarys: 2

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Japanese (JA)
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Enterprise application software includes content, communication, and collaboration software; CRM software; digital and content creation software, ERP software; office suites; project and portfolio ...

Domain: Technology; カテゴリー: Information technology

Enterprise applications are designed to integrate computer systems that run all phases of an enterprise’s operations to facilitate cooperation and coordination of work across the enterprise. The ...

Domain: Technology; カテゴリー: Information technology

Enterprise architecture (EA) is a discipline for proactively and holistically leading enterprise responses to disruptive forces by identifying and analyzing the execution of change toward desired ...

Domain: Technology; カテゴリー: Information technology

Enterprise architecture (EA) assurance is the process whose ultimate goal is to ensure that the agreed-on standards and principles created during the architecture creation process are realized and ...

Domain: Technology; カテゴリー: Information technology

Enterprise asset management (EAM) consists of asset register, work order management, inventory and procurement functions in an integrated business software package.

Domain: Technology; カテゴリー: Information technology

  Enterprise content management (ECM) is used to create, store, distribute, discover, archive and manage unstructured content (such as scanned documents, email, reports, medical images and office ...

Domain: Technology; カテゴリー: Information technology

Enterprise context is the first key deliverable of the EA process during the work of organizing the EA effort. The enterprise context is the process of identifying internal and external environmental ...

Domain: Technology; カテゴリー: Information technology

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A computing practice whereby scalable and elastic ...

カテゴリー: Technology

By: consultant