ホーム > Blossary: Information Technology
The entire spectrum of technologies for information processing, including software, hardware, communications technologies and related services. In general, information technology (IT) does not include embedded technologies that do not generate data for enterprise use.

カテゴリ Technology

Company: Gartner

1778 Terms

Created by: consultant

Number of Blossarys: 2

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Often referred to as “lights-out operations,” automated system operations (ASO) is a combination of hardware and software that allows a computer installation to run unattended — that is, without the ...

Domain: Technology; カテゴリー: Information technology

An automated teller machine (ATM) is a public banking machine that is usually hooked up to a central computer through leased local lines and a multiplexed data network.

Domain: Technology; カテゴリー: Information technology

Automated testing applies to commercially or internally developed software or services to assist in the testing process, including functional and load/stress testing. Automated tests provide ...

Domain: Technology; カテゴリー: Information technology

Automated vehicle locating (AVL) enables fleet operators to locate and track the movements of their fleets in real time, using onboard sensors and cellular or satellite links that can capture and ...

Domain: Technology; カテゴリー: Information technology

Automatic content recognition (ACR) refers to the ability of a client application (typically a smartphone or media tablet app) to identify a content element within its proximity _ audio, video or ...

Domain: Technology; カテゴリー: Information technology

Also known as “warm recovery,” automatic restart is the resumption of operation after a system failure with minimal loss of work or processes (as opposed to a “cold” restart, which requires a ...

Domain: Technology; カテゴリー: Information technology

Auto-tiering is a quality of storage service feature that enables logical volumes or LUNs to span different tiers of storage and transparently move portions of the logical volume between tiers of ...

Domain: Technology; カテゴリー: Information technology

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A computing practice whereby scalable and elastic ...

カテゴリー: Technology

By: consultant