ホーム > 用語 > セルビア語 (SR) > континуална полимеризација
континуална полимеризација
In polymer manufacture, linkage of the various stages of polymerization so that materials flow without interruption from the addition of raw materials to delivery of the finished polymer from the system. Extrusion as film, chip or fiber may be linked to a continuous polymerization line. Because there is no break in the process while the transition from low molecular weight to high occurs, multiple stage reaction vessels may be required and accurate process control is critical.
Lepljive knedlice od pirinča
Lepljive knedlice od pirinča, takođe poznate kao "zongzi" ili 粽子 na pojednostavljenom mandarinskom. Jedu se za vreme '''Dragon Boat'' festivala. Prave ...
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