ホーム > 用語 > セルビア語 (SR) > амортизација
The depreciation, depletion, or charge-off to expense of intangible and tangible assets over a period of time. In the extractive industries, the term is most frequently applied to mean either (1) the periodic charge-off to expense of the costs associated with non-producing mineral properties incurred prior to the time when they are developed and entered into production or (2) the systematic charge-off to expense of those costs of productive mineral properties (including tangible and intangible costs of prospecting, acquisition, exploration, and development) that had been initially capitalized (or deferred) prior to the time the properties entered into production, and thereafter are charged off as minerals are produced.
Уставни суд
Уставни суд Украјне једино је тело уставне надлежности у Украјини, у складу са чланом 147. Устава Украјине. Уставни суд Украјине решава питања о ...
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