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humbje interesi
Loss of Attraction falls under the Business Income and Extra Expense coverage form although coverage is rarely included as it is hard to prove. For example, if a fire occurred at a hotel in Las Vegas, there may be other hotels in the surrounding area that will have lost income as a result of the reduction in tourism. For those hotels that have not suffered direct damage to the property, Business Income claims would fall under “Loss of Attraction. ” Loss of Attraction coverage is not common and can be difficult to identify the loss resulting from a disaster and that which could have resulted from poor management or other uninsured factors. Physical damage to insured property is the primary trigger for business interruption claims; however, additional triggers of coverage outside of physical damage include acts of civil authority, ingress/egress, contingent business interruption and loss of attraction.
- 品詞: 名詞
- 同義語
- ブロッサリ
- 産業/ドメイン トラベル; 観光&ホスピタリティ
- カテゴリ ホテル
- Company:
- 製品
- 頭文字-略称:
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The most important of the traditional Chinese holidays, Chinese New Year represents the official start of the spring, beginning on the first day of ...