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црна економија
If you pay your cleaner or builder in cash, or for some reason neglect to tell the taxman that you were paid for a service rendered, you participate in the black or underground economy. Such transactions do not normally show up in the figures for GDP, so the black economy may mean that a country is much richer than the official data suggest. In the United States and the UK, the black economy adds an estimated 5—10% to GDP; in Italy, it may add 30%. As for Russia, in the late 1990s estimates of the black economy ranged as high as 50% of GDP.
- 品詞: 名詞
- 同義語 underground economy_₀
- ブロッサリ
- 産業/ドメイン 経済
- カテゴリ 経済
- Company: The Economist
- 製品
- 頭文字-略称:
Јангцекјанг (Јангце)
The longest river in Asia, and the ('''third-longest in the world'''). It flows for 6,418 kilometres (3,988 mi) from the glaciers on the Tibetan ...
Browers Terms By Category
- デジタルシグナルプロセッサ(DSP)(1099)
- 試験装置(1007)
- 半導体の品質(321)
- シリコンウェハー(101)
- コンポーネント、部品、付属品(10)
- プロセス機器(6)
半導体(2548) Terms
- General packaging(1147)
- 箱入りのバッグ(76)