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Света сабота
The day after Good Friday, and the last day of Holy Week, where the church commemorates the time that Jesus Christ lay in the tomb and descended into hell. In some Anglican churches, a simple Liturgy of the Word is made on this day (but no Eucharist) with readings commemorating the burial of Christ. The altars may be covered in black or they may be completely stripped bare. In Roman Catholic Churches, all Masses are strictly prohibited and the sanctuary remains completely bare. The administration of the sacraments is severely limited (given only as Viaticum to the dying).
- 品詞: 名詞
- 同義語
- ブロッサリ
- 産業/ドメイン 祝祭、祭り
- カテゴリ イースター(復活祭)
- Company:
- 製品
- 頭文字-略称:
инстант тестенини
Се сушат или precooked тестенини сплотена со нафта и често се продаваат со пакет на арома. Сушен тестенини обично се јаде по се готви или натопена во ...