Judaism uses a lunar/solar calendar consisting of months that begin at the new moon. Each year has 12 or 13 months, to keep it in sync with the solar year. Years are counted from ...
The interval required for the earth to complete one revolution around the sun. A sidereal year, which is the time it take for the earth to make one absolute revolution around the ...
A span of time during which the financial activities of an organization are calculated. A fiscal year is divided into fiscal periods, typically defined as semesters, quarters, or ...
Exactly 365. 25 days, in which a century (100 years) is exactly 36525 days and in which 1900. 0 corresponds exactly to 1900 January 0. 5 (from the Julian-date system, which is ...
Lit. Why is it different? A set of questions about Passover, designed to encourage participation in the seder. Also known as the Four Questions. See Pesach (Passover) and Pesach ...
Strict application of Jewish law in cases of doubt. When there is a doubt in a matter of Torah law, you must be machmir (strict); when there is a doubt in a matter of rabbinic ...