ホーム > Blossary: 5 Cities With Extremely High Homeless Figures
5 cities with the the highest figures of homeless.

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10 Terms

Created by: dnatalia

Number of Blossarys: 60

Collected Terms

The city of Los Angeles has one of the largest concentrations of homeless people in the United States. Currently, it houses about 57,737 homeless people (second only to New York city).

Domain: Geography; カテゴリー: Cities & towns

40% całkowitej populacji Meksyku żyje w ubóstwie i według organizacji pozarządowych (NGO) liczba ludzi na ulicach stolicy Meksyku wyróżnia się od 15.000 do 30.000.

Domain: Geography; カテゴリー: Cities & towns

À partir de 2013, le nombre de sans-abri à dormir chaque nuit dans le système d'abri de New York City était déjà plus de 60 000, 22 000 dont étaient des enfants. La crise des sans-abri à New York est ...

Domain: Geography; カテゴリー: Cities & towns

40% della popolazione totale del Messico sta vivendo in povertà e secondo le organizzazioni Non governative (ONG) il numero di gente per le strade della capitale messicana si trova ad essere tra ...

Domain: Geography; カテゴリー: Cities & towns

City of Los Angeles, often known by its initials L.A., is the most populous city in the U.S. state of California and the second-most populous in the United States, after New York City, with a ...

Domain: Geography; カテゴリー: Cities & towns

In 2003, there were about 23 million homeless people in India. Since then, the number has gone up despite the programs implemented by the government to reduce its homelessness rate. In Mumbai alone, ...

Domain: Geography; カテゴリー: Cities & towns

40% of the total population of Mexico is living in poverty and according to Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) the number of people on the streets of the Mexican capital stands to be between 15,000 ...

Domain: Geography; カテゴリー: Cities & towns

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