The amount of matter in a body, which should not be confused with weight. The same object will have different weights in space and earth but the mass remains constant.
Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun. Mars' diameter is 6,790 km and takes 687 days to orbit the Sun. Mars is named after the Roman god of war. In Eastern Asian cultures Mars is ...
The invisible electromagnetic radiation beyond the violet end of the spectrum of visible light, of wavelengths ranging, roughly, from 4000 down to 400 angstroms.
The point of the celestial sphere directly overhead, 90 degrees above the horizon, for any point on earth; it is the point where a plumb line extended upward would intersect the ...
An ideal or imaginary body that is absolutely black when cold, but is a perfect absorber of radiation and at the same time a perfect radiator. Black body temperatures are used to ...
herb (fresh sprigs) Description: Mint-like leaves, also called balm. Sweet, lemon flavor with a citrus scent. Uses: Jams and jellies, salads, soups, ...