The differences found among cultures.
The different types of organisms that occur in a community.
Varieties of different backgrounds of a group of individuals that often require using a variety of methods of instruction.
Biological diversity; can be measured in terms of genetic, species, or ecosystem diversity.
The number of living species on Earth.
Biodiversity (a contraction of the phrase biological diversity) means the variety of life on earth, or within one particular ecosystem, in terms of the number of distinct ...
The belief that the products, styles, or ideas of one's society are inferior to those that originate elsewhere.
An activity that produces something of economic value.
An inclusive term encompassing all of a person's material assets, including land and other types of property.
A term used to describe an overall effort of the government through federal programs to eliminate poverty in the 1960s.
The forces in society that provide for change and/or conflict.
The act of physically separating two groups; often imposed on a minority group by a dominant group.
Also spelled Chanukah, Hanukkah is a Jewish holiday that lasts for eight days, celebrated as a re-dedication of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. A ...