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ファッションアクセサリー¿Cuál es el origen del tricornio de la guardia civil?
回答者: esb, 作成済み: 2012-01-04 02:55:14
フィットネスDoes anyone know a way to boost metabolism?回答者: Renaissance, 作成済み: 2011-04-11 00:21:33
Why is ujjayi breathing practiced in yoga?回答者: Melissa taing, 作成済み: 2011-07-06 04:09:10
Can someone please give a good basic explanation of the types and levels of Yoga meditation?回答者: Nexus, 作成済み: 2011-12-04 20:42:02
Is it a better workout to lift weights before cardio or vice versa?回答者: Ryan.Pravato, 作成済み: 2011-12-15 23:02:02
フルーツ&野菜What is the nutritional value of lotus root?回答者: Melissa taing, 作成済み: 2011-04-25 01:02:08
How many types of kiwis are there?回答者: burro ride, 作成済み: 2011-06-14 19:00:21
プライベートライフWhich came first, the chicken or the egg回答者: funwiki, 作成済み: 2011-04-15 11:45:58
Why is love so hard?回答者: cutecee12, 作成済み: 2011-08-31 06:03:40
How to make belly buttons smell better more consistently?回答者: Ryan.Pravato, 作成済み: 2011-12-15 22:58:00
プラスチックWas sind die chemischen Unterscheide zwischen Duroplasten und Thermoplaten?
回答者: jakob, 作成済み: 2012-07-31 00:18:22
Anyone got information on ART?回答者: sansastark, 作成済み: 2013-02-10 04:53:38
I can't find information about LCA, can someone help me out?回答者: Daenerystarg, 作成済み: 2013-02-10 05:43:01
What is the abbreviation MRF?回答者: jennyteng, 作成済み: 2013-02-10 06:26:21
ヘルスケアHow many new cases are there a year of autism?回答者: emccoy, 作成済み: 2011-04-11 14:14:41
What's the difference between autism and Asperger's?回答者: Melissa taing, 作成済み: 2011-04-12 04:02:07
My wife has trouble sleeping at night. What are some causes of this?回答者: Aidan, 作成済み: 2011-04-12 15:57:13
What is hand foot and mouth disease?回答者: Aidan, 作成済み: 2011-04-14 13:07:23
ペット製品I have translated but the page was not saved?回答者: wilanfav, 作成済み: 2011-11-25 04:46:44
I have translated but the page was not saved?回答者: wilanfav, 作成済み: 2011-11-25 04:46:46
Safest and least messy dog toy for a puppy?回答者: Ryan.Pravato, 作成済み: 2011-12-15 23:08:12
Wie oft sollte meinen Hund pro Woche schaffen?回答者: jakob, 作成済み: 2012-09-04 02:43:14
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How can countries develop without causing harm to the enviroment?
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Comment enlever la croix du pied d'un sapin de noel ?
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Why do hands/feet get wrinkly after they've been in water for a while?
Melissa taing
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What is GMO?
vivian sun
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