ホーム > 製品カテゴリ > 医療機器 > OBGYN equipment

OBGYN equipment

Obstetrics and gynecology equipment

Contributors in 産婦人科機器

OBGYN equipment


; 産婦人科機器

deficiency of thyroid activity. In adults, it is most common in women and is characterized by decrease in basal metabolic rate, tiredness and lethargy, sensitivity to cold, and menstrual ...


; 産婦人科機器

1. excessive functional activity of the thyroid gland. 2. the abnormal condition resulting from hyperthyroidism marked by increased metabolic rate, enlargement of the thyroid gland, rapid heart rate, ...


; 産婦人科機器

the operation of excising the uterus, performed either through the abdominal wall (abdominal h.) or through the vagina (vaginal h.)


; 産婦人科機器

1. the distribution or supply of nerves to a part. 2. the supply of nervous energy or of nerve stimulus sent to a part.


; 産婦人科機器

1. an instrument placed in the vagina to support the uterus or rectum or as a contraceptive device. 2. a medicated vaginal suppository.


; 産婦人科機器

1. having the quality of invasiveness. 2. involving puncture or incision of the skin or insertion of an instrument or foreign material into the body; said of diagnostic techniques.


; 産婦人科機器

the ability to move spontaneously.



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