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Natural gas
Natural gas is a naturally occurring hydrocarbon gas mixture consisting primarily of methane, with up to 20 % of other hydrocarbons as well as impurities in varying amounts such as carbon dioxide. Natural gas is widely used as an important energy source in many applications including heating buildings, generating electricity, providing heat and power to industry, as fuel for vehicles and as a chemical feedstock in the manufacture of products such as plastics and other commercially important organic chemicals.
Contributors in 天然ガス
Natural gas
エネルギー; 天然ガス
土地、構造物、機器やユーティリティが所有する他の有形固定資産の帳簿価格が含まれていますが、将来の使用のために開催されるアカウント105ユーティリティの工場でincludibleユーティリティのサービスではなくプロパティで使用されていない勘定121、のタイトル。 ...