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Globalization software service

Contributors in グローバリゼーションソフトウェアサービス

Globalization software service


ソフトウェア; グローバリゼーションソフトウェアサービス

(1) A measurement of the ability of a system to continue processing without failure. Shutting down an on-line system to process batch updates to the database reduces its availability to end users but ...

コールド スタート

ソフトウェア; グローバリゼーションソフトウェアサービス

(1) A method of starting CICS where all local resources are refreshed, but information relating to remote systems and resource managers is preserved. (2) The process of starting a system or program ...


ソフトウェア; グローバリゼーションソフトウェアサービス

(1) A class that can be directly instantiated. See also abstract class. (2) A class that is not abstract. (3) A class defining objects that can be created.


ソフトウェア; グローバリゼーションソフトウェアサービス

(1) A modifier that makes a name unique. (2) Each component name in a qualified name other than the right-most name. For example, TREE and FRUIT are qualifiers in TREE.FRUIT.APPLE. (3) A value that ...


ソフトウェア; グローバリゼーションソフトウェアサービス

(1) A collection of complete systems that work together to provide a single, unified computing capability. (2) In SNA, a group of stations that consist of a controller (cluster controller) and the ...


ソフトウェア; グローバリゼーションソフトウェアサービス

(1) A network authentication protocol that is designed to provide strong authentication for client/server applications by using secret-key cryptography. See also Kerberos ticket. (2) A network ...


ソフトウェア; グローバリゼーションソフトウェアサービス

(1) A network divided into smaller independent subgroups, which still are interconnected. (2) To divide a network into smaller interconnected, but independent subgroups.


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