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Globalization software service

Contributors in グローバリゼーションソフトウェアサービス

Globalization software service


ソフトウェア; グローバリゼーションソフトウェアサービス

(1) A relationship between a set of input data values and a set of result values that is used to extend and customize SQL or XQuery. Functions are invoked from elements of SQL statements such as the ...


ソフトウェア; グローバリゼーションソフトウェアサービス

(1) A computer that is connected to a network and provides an access point to that network. The host can be a client, a server, or both a client and server simultaneously. See also server, client. ...


ソフトウェア; グローバリゼーションソフトウェアサービス

(1) A permanent global variable defined by WebSphere Voice Response for use by state tables. Many system variables are loaded with values when the state table is initialized. Some values are taken ...


ソフトウェア; グローバリゼーションソフトウェアサービス

(1) A persistent storage area for data and other application resources. (2) A collection of information about the queue managers that are members of a cluster. This information includes queue manager ...


ソフトウェア; グローバリゼーションソフトウェアサービス

(1) A physical sheet of paper or other medium on which data is printed. (2) In query management, an object that describes how to format the data for printing or displaying a report. (3) A display ...


ソフトウェア; グローバリゼーションソフトウェアサービス

(1) A person or role that has interest in and influence on the system. (2) An individual who is materially affected by the outcome of the system. See also customer. (3) An individual or organization ...


ソフトウェア; グローバリゼーションソフトウェアサービス

(1) A picture or text on an acetate sheet designed to be viewed by light shining through it. (2) In asynchronous communications, a method of hiding certain ASCII control characters from modems or ...


Subway Lines in Beijing

カテゴリ: その他   1 5 用語


カテゴリ: アート   2 5 用語