ホーム > 製品カテゴリ > 航空 > Airport
A station, usually consisting of buildings, airfields and runways, used to provide a place for aircraft to take off and land as well as to house commercial services for passengers and on-board staff.
Contributors in 空港
航空; 航空交通管制
The time system used in aviation operations and given to the nearest minute, except when the pilot requests a time check. Time checks are given to the nearest 15 s. The day begins at 0000 and ends at ...
航空; 航空交通管制
An aeronautical radio station established to provide aviation support services at certain isolated aerodromes in the Arctic and northern Quebec, in accordance with the provisions contained in the ...
航空; 航空交通管制
度の考えかそれのブレーキをかける品質をもっているパイロットにパイロットを提供する空港移動区域に関する状態のレポートは(良くて、公正な貧乏人、または無)を予想するかもしれません。 ...