ホーム > 用語 > 中南米スペイン語 (XL) > acuífero
An underground geological formation, or group of formations, containing usable amounts of groundwater that can supply wells or springs for domestic, industrial, and irrigation uses. Removing more groundwater from an aquifer than is naturally replenished is called overdrafting, and can result in a dropping water table, increased pumping costs, land subsidence (which reduces the future recharge capacity), saltwater intrusion, reduced streamflows in interconnected ground- and surface-water systems, and exhaustion of groundwater reserves. Overdrafting groundwater occurs primarily in the Plains States and the West.
Día de Canadá
El Día de Canadá se celebra la unión de las tres colonias británicas (Nueva Escocia, Nueva Brunswick, y la Provincia de Canadá) que hoy en día forman ...
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