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How can I sleep better at night?

no medicine involved pls.
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  • Created: 17:24, 25 April 2012

回答 (2)


Bad sleep is usually caused by bad sleeping habits, or what is commonly known as 'sleep hygiene'. If you go to bed at different times every night, drink coffee at night, lounge around on your bed during the day and don't have a proper bedtime routine then this can all affect your sleeping pattern in a negative way. I used to have lots of problems sleeping, but when I made a real effort to improve my sleep hygiene it only took a week or so to improve dramatically. I recommend you read the following information from the University of Maryland and start thinking about which of the listed factors you could change in your life: http://www.umm.edu/sleep/sleep_hyg.htm Good luck!

00:07, 26 April 2012


The best way to sleep better at night is to relax your mind by attempting to think tomorrow is a weekend day in a soothing resort even if it's not.

21:56, 25 April 2012




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