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Favourite/Strange words

A place to list your favourite words!
Forum: Languages
clurface 05:09, 28 April 2011
  • fav.skies 05:43, 13 May 2011

    I hope this topic is not limited to English words only. I like the Chinese word '缘分'(yuan2fen4): lot or luck by which people are brought together. It refers to an interesting concept and is also very common.


    the more languages the better!

    06:32, 13 May 2011

    Melissa taing

    Agreed! '缘分 is one of those words where once you learn it, you start hear it everywhere.

    06:13, 13 May 2011

  • Melissa taing 05:17, 12 May 2011

    I quite like 'acnestis' - the part of the body that cannot be reached (to scratch), usually the space between the shoulder blades.


    love it, for which one can use a 'magonote', another word for backscratcher :)

    06:22, 13 May 2011

  • clurface 07:53, 10 May 2011

    I'm quite partial to 'aglet'. aglet - the piece of plastic at the end of a shoelace without which lacing up shoes would be a nightmare

    Melissa taing

    This is definitely one of those never-knew-there-was-a-word-for-that! kind of words :)

    06:11, 13 May 2011

  • Nexus 07:39, 10 May 2011

    I like 'oogemiflob' - not exactly a real word, but it can be used in place of 'thingey'. "Pass me that oogemiflob, would you?"

    Melissa taing

    Haha...''oojamaflip''would also work in those situations :)

    02:10, 2 June 2011