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Influential National Security Council document arguing communism was a monolithic world movement directed from the Kremlin and advocating a massive military buildup to counteract the encroachment of communism.
During the Age of Exploration, adventurers from England, France, and the Netherlands kept seeking an all water route across North America. The goal was to gain access to Oriental material goods and riches while avoiding contact with the developing Spanish empire farther to the south in Central and South America.
Religious dissenters from England who wanted to purify, rather than separate from, what they viewed as the corrupted, state supported Anglican church, or Church of England. By and large, the Puritans were nonseparatists,and some of them banded together to form a utopian community of believers in America. The Massachusetts Bay Colony was to be a model society that would show how godly societies and churches were to be properly organized. See separatists.
An 1809 statute which replaced the Embargo of 1807. It forbade trade with 8ritain, France, and their possessions, but reopened trade with other countries.
President Nixon argued for "Vietnamization," the notion that the South Vietnamese would carry more of the war's combat burden. This plan never reached full realization because of the South Vietnamese inability to carry on the war effort without American troops.
President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's program designed to bring about economic recovery and reform during the Great Depression.
Organization established in 1909 to fight for African American civil rights through legal action.
Passed in 1920, the Constitutional guarantee of women's right to vote.
Soviet premier during Eisenhower's presidential term. Khrushchev condemned Stalin's purges and welcomed a melting of the Cold War, although he crushed a 1956 democratic uprising in Hungary.
Although a Catholic in a Buddhist nation and a leader with no popular charm, the American government manufactured Diem's 1956 election because of his anticommunist views. The American government gradually realized Diem's lack of popular support and stood by when he was assassinated in 1963.