産業: Financial services
Number of terms: 25840
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
UBS AG, a financial services firm, provides wealth management, asset management, and investment banking services to private, corporate, and institutional clients worldwide.
Option strategy comprising two calls and one put on the same underlying with the same strike price and expiry date. See also strip.
Financial statistic comprising the ratio of a company's debt to its equity.
(1) An order to a bank from a customer instructing it to make a payment in favour of a third party. (2) Authorization to transfer money, securities or other fungibles for the account of the authorizing party to another person entitled to receive the same in his own name (Article 466, Swiss Federal Code of Obligations). Article 1147 stipulates that payment orders not designated as bills of exchange but made out expressly to the order of a beneficiary and otherwise meeting the requirements of a drawn bill are bill-like payment orders.
An obligation on the part of banks and their employees to keep customer data confidential. In Switzerland, the violation of banking secrecy is a public offence under Article 47 of the Banking Law. However, under the law governing criminal procedure and other legal provisions, the banks have an obligation to provide the authorities with information and testify before them.
American term for a bond which is secured by collateral. See also collateral mortgage bond.
One-off premium payment instead of regular premium payments. Single-premium insurance is a kind of savings product.
Law introduced in Switzerland in 1998 to supplement the pertinent provisions of the penal code and the Agreement on the Swiss banks' code of conduct with regard to the exercise of due diligence. Under the law, financial brokers and agents are required to identify their contracting partners, to establish the beneficial owner's identity, to clarify the background of any unusual looking transactions, and to keep a record of this data. If there are reasonable grounds to suspect that the funds in question are of criminal origin, this is to be reported immediately to the relevant authorities and the funds blocked.
Flows of capital from one country to another, mainly in the form of credit, direct investments and portfolio investments. In the case of remunerative capital exports, the exporting company acquires legal claims or participation rights abroad, whereas unrequited capital exports can take the form of non-returnable transfers to developing countries.
Mortgage where the underlying real estate property provides collateral in an amount not exceeding the sum entered in the Land Register (in contrast to a security interest).
Exchange rate between two currencies. Dollar parity, for instance, is the price of a currency expressed in dollars. See also gold parity, purchasing power parity, parity price.