- 産業: Financial services
- Number of terms: 25840
- Number of blossaries: 0
- Company Profile:
UBS AG, a financial services firm, provides wealth management, asset management, and investment banking services to private, corporate, and institutional clients worldwide.
A grouping of equities, indexes or other factors combined in a standardized way, providing a useful statistical measure of overall market or sector performance over time.
Also: electronic bourse, screen-based trading. Trading system where stock exchange transactions are carried out via a computer system, e.g. SWX Swiss Exchange.
The pledging of several pieces of land as security for the repayment of the same claim, each property being encumbered with the full amount of the pledge. A multiple lien may be established only if the pieces of land belong to the same owner or are owned by debtors granting joint and several guarantee.
Any place or system where the requirements of business enterprises and public authorities or governments for medium- and long-term capital funds can be met. Opposite: money market.
Deposit paid as security for a tenant's liabilities. The maximum deposit under Swiss law is three months' rent. The tenant's guarantee is held in safekeeping in an interest-bearing bank account, the net interest income accruing to the tenant.
Transactions under which the bank accepts borrowed funds and thereby assumes liabilities in respect of customers in the form of savings or investments. Also includes the issue of medium-term notes and own offerings. Opposite: lending business.
Clause linking the amount of a monetary payment to the value of a real asset or to changes in the price of real assets. Depending on the type of link, a distinction is for example drawn between a gold clause and an index clause.
The price paid for a future transaction or on the futures markets. Opposite: spot rate.
Also referred to as a currency area. Geographical area in which a currency is legal tender. A currency zone normally coincides with the national frontiers of a country because it is defined by the monetary order. Supra-national currency zones are created when a number of currencies are linked by convertible currencies with fixed exchange rates, e.g. franc zone, sterling zone. See also monetary union.
(1) Im Börsenhandel, die Differenz zwischen dem Nennwert und dem höheren Marktwert eines Wertpapiers, ausgedrückt in Prozent des Nennwerts. Ähnlich wie trading im Forex, des Unterschied zwischen einem vorwärts- und vor Ort, wo die forward Rate höher ist.
(2) Optionen: Synonym für Optionspreis.
(3) Strafe zahlbar, wenn eine Partei zu einem Vertrag aus einer Transaktion zurückzieht.
(4) Der Betrag der für eine Versicherung zu zahlen.
(5) Der Betrag, um den Preis eines Wertpapiers gleichrangigen übersteigt.