The United States Army Corps of Engineers
産業: Government
Number of terms: 5261
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
The United States Army Corps of Engineers is a federal agency with a mission to provide vital public engineering services in peace and war to strengthen the nation's security, energize the economy, and reduce risks from disasters. It is also a major U.S. Army organization employing some 38,000 ...
An interval at high or low water when there is no observable change in the height of the tide. The water level is stationary at high and low water for only an instant, but the change in level near these times is so slow that it is not usually perceptible.
(1) The part of the uprush that runs over the crest of a berm or structure and does not flow directly back to the ocean or lake. (2) The effect of waves overtopping a coastal defense, often carrying sediment landwards which is then lost to the beach system.
In refraction of waves, the name given to the curve to which adjacent orthogonals of waves refracted by a bottom whose contour lines are curved, are tangents. The occurrence of a caustic always marks a region of crossed orthogonals and high wave convergence.
A wave whose velocity of propagation is controlled primarily by gravity. Water waves more than 5 cm long are considered gravity waves. Waves longer than 2.5 cm and shorter than 5 cm are in an indeterminate zone between capillary and gravity waves.
The average height of the surface of the sea for all stages of the tide over a 19-year period, usually determined from hourly height readings. Not necessarily equal to mean tide level. It is also the average water level that would exist in the absence of tides.
(1) In beach terminology an indefinite zone extending seaward from the shoreline well beyond the breaker zone. (2) The zone which extends from the swash zone to the position marking the start of the offshore zone, typically at water depths of the order of 20 m.
In ocean wave studies, a graph, table, or mathematical equation showing the distribution of wave energy as a function of wave frequency. The spectrum may be based on observations or theoretical considerations. Several forms of graphical display are widely used.
Classification of the force of the winds in accordance with a scale established by Rear-Admiral, Sir Francis Beaufort in which the range of intensity varies in integers from 0 to 12, with a description of the state and behavior of a "wellconditioned man-of-war."
The integrated and general development of the coastal zone. Coastal Zone Management is not restricted to coastal defense works, but includes also a development in economical, ecological and social terms. Coastline Management is a part of Coastal Zone Management.
The vertical distance from mean sea level or other established datum plane to a point on the earth’s surface; height above sea level. Although sea floor elevation below msl should be marked as a negative value, many charts show positive numerals for water depth.