U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
産業: Government
Number of terms: 11131
Number of blossaries: 0
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発電所、局を運営するために使用量を引いたによって生成される電気エネルギーの総額。純生成は通常 watthours (Wh) で測定されます。
A measure of the intensity of neutron radiation in neutrons/cm<sup>2</sup>-sec. It is the number of neutrons passing through 1 square centimeter of a given target in 1 second. Expressed as nv, where n &#61; the number of neutrons per cubic centimeter and v &#61; their velocity in centimeters per second.
リリース、バンド、および核分裂中性子によって核分裂性物質の吸収とその材料の中性子の第二世代の生産の分裂。典型的な原子力リアクターの中性子の約 40,000 世代毎秒があります。
発生するその他の核分裂を引き起こすいくつかの 1 つの核分裂イベント リリース中性子のプロセス。連鎖反応の 3 種類があります: (1) Nonsustaining--1 つの核分裂中性子各前の分裂 (原子炉キャスク); によって解放によって生成されるよりも少ないの平均(2) 維持--1 つの核分裂の平均はそれぞれ前分裂 (原子炉の重大度); によって解放中性子によって生成されます。(3) 乗算--1 つ以上の核分裂の平均前分裂 (原子炉 supercriticality) が発表した中性子によって生成されます。
Neutrons that escape from the vicinity of the fissionable material in a reactor core. Neutrons that leak out of the fuel region are no longer available to cause fission and must be absorbed by shielding placed around the reactor pressure vessel for that purpose.
An intergovernmental organization (based in Paris, France) which provides a forum for discussion and cooperation among the governments of industrialized countries committed to democracy and the market economy. The primary goal of the OECD and its member countries is to support sustainable economic growth, boost employment, raise living standards, maintain financial stability, assist other countries?economic development, and contribute to growth in world trade. In addition, the OECD is a reliable source of comparable statistics and economic and social data. The OECD also monitors trends, analyzes and forecasts economic developments, and researches social changes and evolving patterns in trade, environment, agriculture, technology, taxation, and other areas.
原子炉物理学、原子炉の中心部付近の中性子を吸収するための大容量を持っている (以外の核分裂性物質) 物質の。この効果がありますいないいくつかの原子炉のアプリケーションで望ましく防ぐかそれにより通常の操作に影響を与える核分裂連鎖反応を混乱させる可能性がありますので。ただし、中性子吸収材料 (通称「毒」が意図的に挿入されるいくつかの初期の新鮮な燃料負荷の反応性を減少する原子炉のタイプ。
原子炉物理学、原子炉の中心部付近の中性子を吸収するための大容量を持っている (以外の核分裂性物質) 物質の。この効果がありますいないいくつかの原子炉のアプリケーションで望ましく防ぐかそれにより通常の操作に影響を与える核分裂連鎖反応を混乱させる可能性がありますので。ただし、中性子吸収材料 (通称「毒」が意図的に挿入されるいくつかの初期の新鮮な燃料負荷の反応性を減少する原子炉のタイプ。
Sealed sources of radioactive material contained in a small volume (but not radioactively contaminated soils and bulk metals) in any one or more of the following conditions: * An uncontrolled condition that requires removal to protect public health and safety from a radiological threat * A controlled or uncontrolled condition, for which a responsible party cannot be readily identified * A controlled condition, compromised by an inability to ensure the continued safety of the material (e. G. , the licensee may have few or no options to provide for safe disposition of the material) * An uncontrolled condition, in which the material is in the possession of a person who did not seek, and is not licensed, to possess it * An uncontrolled condition, in which the material is in the possession of a State radiological protection program solely to mitigate a radiological threat resulting from one of the above conditions, and for which the State does not have the necessary means to provide for the appropriate disposition of the material.