U.S. Department of Transportation
産業: Government
Number of terms: 13754
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
The transaction or interchange that occurs at the time a container is received by a rail terminal or water port from another carrier.
Individual or firm that employs longshoremen and who contracts to load or unload the ship.
A draft that matures at a fixed or determinable time after presentation or acceptance.
It is the defense, law and treaty enforcement, and counterterrorism activities that fall within the port and maritime domain. It includes the protection of the seaports themselves, the protection and inspection of the cargo moving through the ports, and maritime security.
A type of air circulation in a temperature control container. Air is pulled by a fan from the top of the container, passed through the evaporator coil for cooling, and then forced through the space under the load and up through the cargo. This type of airflow provides even temperatures.
In transit, or in passage.
A complete package of pick up or delivery services performed by a carrier from origin to final consumption point.
A partial refund of an import fee. Refund usually results because goods are re–exported from the country that collected the fee.
As a result of the Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act of 2005, fiscal year grant funding is provided annually to the Nation’s most at–risk seaports for physical security enhancements to be used in the protection of critical port infrastructure from terrorism. PSGP funds help ports enhance their risk management capabilities, domain awareness, training and exercises, and capabilities to prevent, detect, respond to, and recover from attacks involving improvised explosive devices and other non–conventional weapons.
The front of a vessel.