Transport Canada
産業: Government
Number of terms: 8785
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
Department of the Government of Canada responsible for developing regulations, policies and services of transportation in Canada. It is part of the Transportation, Infrastructure and Communities (TIC) portfolio. Transport Canada is based in Ottawa, Ontario
An approach slope indicator system consisting of four light units situated on the left side of the runway in the form of two wing bars referred to as the upwind and downwind wing bars. The aircraft is on slope if the upwind bar shows red and the downwind bar shows white, too high if both bars show white, and too low if both bars show red. Some aerodromes serving large aircraft have three-bar VASIS, which provide two visual glide paths (GP) to the same runway. The VASIS can be situated so as to provide three types of eye-to-wheel height (EWH): V1 (10 ft), V2 (25 ft) and V3 (25 ft and 45 ft).
An approach slope indicator system consisting of four light units situated on the left side of the runway in the form of two wing bars referred to as the upwind and downwind wing bars. The aircraft is on slope if the upwind bar shows red and the downwind bar shows white, too high if both bars show white, and too low if both bars show red. Some aerodromes serving large aircraft have three-bar VASIS, which provide two visual glide paths (GP) to the same runway. The VASIS can be situated so as to provide three types of eye-to-wheel height (EWH): V1 (10 ft), V2 (25 ft) and V3 (25 ft and 45 ft).
Aerodrome facilities, including mechanical and electro-optical devices, providing vertical visual approach slope guidance to aircraft during the approach to landing. Lighting facilities provide this guidance by radiating a directional pattern of high-intensity red and white focused light beams that indicate to the pilot that he or she is "on slope," "above slope" or "below slope," depending on the combinations of lights that are showing. These lights are visible from at least 4 NM away (2.5 NM away for abbreviated installations). Visual approach slope indicator systems provide safe wheel clearance over the runway threshold and are related to the eye-to-wheel height (EWH) of the aircraft that the aerodrome is intended to serve.
Aerodrome facilities, including mechanical and electro-optical devices, providing vertical visual approach slope guidance to aircraft during the approach to landing. Lighting facilities provide this guidance by radiating a directional pattern of high-intensity red and white focused light beams that indicate to the pilot that he or she is "on slope," "above slope" or "below slope," depending on the combinations of lights that are showing. These lights are visible from at least 4 NM away (2.5 NM away for abbreviated installations). Visual approach slope indicator systems provide safe wheel clearance over the runway threshold and are related to the eye-to-wheel height (EWH) of the aircraft that the aerodrome is intended to serve.
L'Agence, d'une organisation ou d'un commandement militaire responsable de l'activité pour laquelle F classe l'espace aérien a été fourni. L'Office de l'utilisateur devant être identifiée pour les zones de classe F restreint, opérations militaires et zones de danger et, si possible, doit être identifié pour les zones consultatifs de classe F.
The agency, organization or military command responsible for the activity for which Class F airspace has been provided. The user agency shall be identified for Class F restricted areas, military operations areas, and danger areas and, where possible, should be identified for Class F advisory areas.
(1) Canada : Phase qui commence lorsque: (a) à l'exception d'un rapport d'arrivée, aucune communication n'a reçu d'un aéronef dans les 30 minutes après l'heure d'une communication doit avoir été reçue, ou partir du moment où une tentative infructueuse pour établir la communication avec ces avions a été faite, intervient avant ; (b) un plan de vol (FP) a été déposé et aucun rapport d'arrivée n'a été reçu par le centre de contrôle régional (ACC) (i) dans 1 heure après que l'heure estimée d'arrivée (ETA) dernière communiquées au ou estimées par l'ACC, si elle est postérieure ; ou (ii) à la recherche et de sauvetage (SAR) le temps demandé par le donneur d'ordre, si elle est antérieure ; (c) un itinéraire de vol (FI) a été déposé et aucun rapport d'arrivée n'a été reçu par le CAC (i) dans les 24 heures après la dernière ETA ; ou (ii) à l'époque de SAR demandée par le donneur d'ordre, si elle est antérieure ; (d) un FP ou FI a été déposé et il est déterminé qu'aucun rapport d'arrivée ne peut s'attendre, soit parce qu'il n'y a aucun système de communication desservant le point d'arrivée ou le système qui desservent l'aéroport ne fonctionne pas. (2) OACI: Une situation dans laquelle une incertitude existe quant à la sûreté d'un aéronef et ses occupants.
(1) Canada: Phase that begins when: (a) with the exception of an arrival report, no communication has been received from an aircraft within 30 min after the time a communication should have been received, or from the time an unsuccessful attempt to establish communication with such aircraft was first made, whichever is the earlier; (b) a flight plan (FP) has been filed and no arrival report has been received by the area control centre (ACC) (i) within 1 hr after the estimated time of arrival (ETA) last notified to or estimated by the ACC, whichever is later; or (ii) at the search and rescue (SAR) time requested by the originator, whichever is earlier; (c) a flight itinerary (FI) has been filed and no arrival report has been received by the ACC (i) within 24 hrs after the latest ETA; or (ii) at the SAR time requested by the originator, whichever is earlier; (d) an FP or FI has been filed and it is determined that no arrival report can be expected either because there is no communication system serving the point of arrival or the system serving the airport is inoperative. (2) ICAO: A situation wherein uncertainty exists as to the safety of an aircraft and its occupants.
Une situation géographique spécifiée, définie par la longitude et la latitude, qui est utilisée dans la définition des itinéraires et des segments terminaux et à des fins de rapports d'étape.
A specified geographical location, defined by longitude and latitude, that is used in the definition of routes and terminal segments and for progress-reporting purposes.