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Project Gutenberg (PG) is a volunteer effort to digitize and archive cultural works, to encourage the creation and distribution of eBooks. It was founded in 1971 by Michael S. Hart and is the oldest digital library. Most of the items in its collection are the full texts of public domain books. The ...
Kaiser von Byzanz, begann sein Leben als Soldat, war ein großer Liebling der Soldaten, die ihn in der Periode des ersten Kreuzzugs,einer Zeit der Anarchie, auf den Thron brachten. Als das Reich bedrängt war von einerseits den Türken und den Normannen auf der anderen, während die Kreuzritter, die durch sein Gebiet hindurchzogen, sich als noch problematischer als die beiden erwiesen. Er schaffte es, das Reich trotz dieser Probleme zusammenzuhalten und das Unheil abzuwendung welches durchweg während seiner 37jährigen Regierungszeit drohte. (1048-1118)
Cyril of Alexandria, from his controversy with the Nestorians.
A college of doctors of the civil law in London, where they used to eat in common, and where eventually a number of the courts of law were held.
Mere theorisers, particularly on social and political questions; applied originally to a political party that arose in France in 1815, headed by Roger-Collard and represented by Guizot, which stood up for a constitutional government that should steer clear of acknowledging the divine right of kinghood on the one hand and the divine right of democracy on the other.
The doctrine that the salvation of a man depends on the election of God for that end, of which there are two chief phases—the one is election to be Christ's, or unconditional election, and the other that it is election in Christ, or conditional election.
A doctrine of Eastern origin, which derives everything that exists from the divine nature by necessary process of emanation, as light from the sun, and ascribes all evil and the degrees of it to a greater and greater distance from the pure ether of this parent source, or to the extent in consequence to which the being gets immersed in and clogged with matter.