- 産業: Medical devices
- Number of terms: 450
- Number of blossaries: 0
- Company Profile:
Finding another way to do things. It's partly being creative about solving problems and partly being insistent about getting back to the things that are important to you. "Adaptive thinking" involves making changes in your everyday environment. Some examples are: changing how you do certain tasks or activities, changing the "tools" you use to do them or changing the features of places by doing things like adding ramps, widening doorways or getting rid of throw rugs. When you can learn to think "adaptively" you are using the best parts of human nature - resilience and creativity!
Industry:Medical devices
Finding another way to do things. It's partly being creative about solving problems and partly being insistent about getting back to the things that are important to you. "Adaptive thinking" involves making changes in your everyday environment. Some examples are: changing how you do certain tasks or activities, changing the "tools" you use to do them or changing the features of places by doing things like adding ramps, widening doorways or getting rid of throw rugs. When you can learn to think "adaptively" you are using the best parts of human nature - resilience and creativity!
Industry:Medical devices
The service offered by rehabilitation professionals, such as occupational or physical therapists, who work with their client to assemble equipment specifications and then justify the need for those specifications to third-party payers.
Industry:Medical devices
Occurs when some device in a person's environment emits electromagnetic energy that is not compatible with the sensitive electronics incorporated into many medical devices such as power wheelchairs. This causes the wheelchair to behave abnormally. For example, a cellular phone can interfere with the controller of the power wheelchair so that the chair moves unexpectedly or erratically.
Industry:Medical devices
Si verifica quando qualche dispositivo nell'ambiente di una persona emette energia elettromagnetica che non è compatibile con i componenti elettronici sensibili incorporati in molti dispositivi medici quali sedie a rotelle di alimentazione. Questo fa sì che la carrozzina a comportarsi in modo anomalo. Ad esempio, un telefono cellulare può interferire con il controller della carrozzina elettrica così che la sedia si muove in modo imprevisto o in modo irregolare.
Industry:Medical devices
Il luogo dove la sedia a rotelle può riposare i piedi. Chiamato anche un piede piatto.
Industry:Medical devices
Finding another way to do things. It's partly being creative about solving problems and partly being insistent about getting back to the things that are important to you. "Adaptive thinking" involves making changes in your everyday environment. Some examples are: changing how you do certain tasks or activities, changing the "tools" you use to do them or changing the features of places by doing things like adding ramps, widening doorways or getting rid of throw rugs. When you can learn to think "adaptively" you are using the best parts of human nature - resilience and creativity!
Industry:Medical devices
Вспомогательные рулевого устройства выбираются в зависимости от потребностей клиента. Они варьируются от снижения усилия руля для компенсации уменьшения прочности руля джойстиком для управления одной рукой рулевое управление, торможение и ускорение, чтобы паук ручки для руля одной рукой.
Industry:Medical devices
Часть в центре колеса; колесо вращается вокруг оси с помощью шарикоподшипников.
Industry:Medical devices
Два небольших колеса на передней (или сзади), инвалидных колясок которые поворачиваются во всех направлениях. Они способствуют маневренность инвалидной коляски и прийти в твердых или пневматические стилях.
Industry:Medical devices