Century 21 Real Estate LLC
産業: Real estate
Number of terms: 9847
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
Century 21 Real Estate LLC is a real estate agent franchise company founded in 1971. The Century 21 System consists of over 7,800 independently owned and operated offices. Century 21 has offices in all 50 states and in more than 67 countries and territories.
Procentus, kas samaksāti par pamatsummu, kā arī uzkrātos procentus.
Industry:Real estate
Industry:Real estate
這是銷售的天公映期間屆滿後開始和結束的受託人進行的時間間隔。在發佈期間,受託人的買賣的刊登公告,過帳,錄得,和副本就會郵寄到所有題為締約方。發佈時間通常是 30 到 40 天。
Industry:Real estate
Platība ārpus pilsētas teritorija izveidota vai metropoles rajonā.
Industry:Real estate
Papildu vērtību, ko piešķir pircējam vai pārdevējam pamudināt citas puses, lai pabeigtu darījumu.
Industry:Real estate
Faktisko cenu īpašumu pārdod, bez jebkāda īpaša finansēšanas koncesijas.
Industry:Real estate
Industry:Real estate
Industry:Real estate
這是從預設的通知記錄直到出售的日期前 5 個工作日在這段時間預設值可能會恢復治癒的日期的時間間隔。
Industry:Real estate
一份記錄的檔,請求任何違約通知和出售,以發送給要求者所示的位址的任何通知的副本。2924B(1) 看到加州民間代碼節。
Industry:Real estate