産業: Pharmaceutical
Number of terms: 41
Number of blossaries: 1
Company Profile:
Belupo is the leading Croatian company in terms of sales of medicinal products having effect on the cardiovascular system, nervous system and on skin. The company is the second largest manufacturer of medicinal products in the Republic of Croatia.
Amiodarone (brand name Amiodaron Belupo) is an antiarrhythmic agent used for various types of cardiac dysrhythmias, both ventricular and atrial. Despite relatively common side-effects, it is used in arrhythmias that are otherwise difficult to treat with medication.
Industry:Health care
Amlodipine (brand name Amonex) is a medication used to lower blood pressure and prevent chest pain. It belongs to a group of medications known as long-acting dihydropyridine-type (DHP) calcium channel blockers. Like other medications in this group, amlodipine lowers blood pressure by relaxing the muscles controlling the diameter of blood vessels in the body. Widening of these blood vessels lowers blood pressure. In angina, amlodipine increases blood flow to the heart muscle to relieve pain due to angina. It is indicated for the treatment of essential hypertension, chronic stable angina pectoris and Prinzmetal angina.
Industry:Health care
Bisoprolol (brand name Bisobel) is a cardioselective beta 1 - adrenergic receptor blocker, indicated for treatment of essential hypertension, coronary heart disease and congestive heart failure.
Industry:Health care
Carvedilol (brand name (Carvelol) is alpha- and beta - adrenergic receptor blocker, indicated for the treatment of essential hypertension, coronary heart disease, and symptomatic congestive heart failure.
Industry:Health care
Doxazosin (brand name Doxa) is in a group of drugs called alpha - adrenergic blockers. It causes the blood vessels (veins and arteries) to relax and expand, improving blood flow. Doxazosin also relaxes muscles in the prostate and the bladder neck, making it easier to urinate.
Industry:Health care
Furosemide (brand name Fursemid Belupo) is a loop diuretic primarily used for the treatment of hypertension and edema. It is the first-line agent in most people with edema caused by congestive heart failure. It is also used for hepatic cirrhosis, renal impairment, nephrotic syndrome, in adjunct therapy for cerebral or pulmonary edema where rapid diuresis is required (IV injection), and in the management of severe hypercalcemia in combination with adequate rehydration.
Industry:Health care
Furosemide (ยี่ห้อ Fursemid Belupo) จะใช้สำหรับการรักษาความดันโลหิตสูงและอาการบวมน้ำ diuretic วน แทนบรรทัดแรกในคนส่วนใหญ่มีอาการบวมน้ำเกิดจาก congestive หัวใจล้มเหลวได้ นอกจากนี้ยังใช้สำหรับตับแข็งตับ ไตผล เนโฟรติ อาการ รักษาเกียรติคุณในสมอง หรือระบบทางเดินหายใจได้แก่ที่ diuresis อย่างรวดเร็วถูกต้อง (ฉีด IV), และ ในการจัดการของ hypercalcemia รุนแรงร่วมกับ rehydration อย่างเพียงพอ
Industry:Health care
Furosemid (značka Fursemid Belupo) je slučka diuretiká primárne používa na liečbu vysokého krvného tlaku a edém. Je to prvý-line agent vo väčšine ľudí s opuchy spôsobené chronickým srdcovým zlyhaním. Využíva sa aj pre pečeňovej cirhózy, poškodenie obličiek, nefrotický syndróm, doplnok liečby pre mozgové alebo pľúcny edém kde rýchle Diuréza je potrebné (IV injekcia) a riadenia závažné hyperkalcémie v kombinácii s adekvátne rehydratačný.
Industry:Health care
הלב נמצא כאן (שם מותג Fursemid Belupo) הוא משתן לולאה המשמשת בעיקר לטיפול ביתר לחץ דם ובצקת. . זה הסוכן שורה ראשונה אצל רוב האנשים עם בצקת הנגרמת על ידי אי-ספיקת לב. הוא משמש גם עבור שחמת הכבד, פגיעה כלייתית, תסמונת נפרוטית, מורה מן החוץ. טיפול בצקת מוחית או ריאתי איפה diuresis מהירה הנדרש (הזרקת הרביעי), וכן הנהלת שמוביל חמור בשילוב עם התייבשות נאותה.
Industry:Health care
Furosemid (mærkenavn Fursemid Belupo) er en loop diuretika primært anvendes til behandling af hypertension og ødem. Det er den første linje agent i de fleste mennesker med ødem forårsaget af kongestiv hjerteinsufficiens. Det er også bruges til levercirrose, nedsat nyrefunktion, Nefrotisk syndrom, i kombinationsbehandling for cerebral eller pulmonal ødem hvor hurtig diurese er påkrævet (IV injektion), og i forvaltningen af svær hypercalcæmi i kombination med passende rehydrering.
Industry:Health care