Company: Others
Created by: federica.masante
Number of Blossarys: 31
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A maximum win means that if all of the winning numbers are within your wheel you could win the lotto jackpot and/or smaller prizes that are greater than the minimum win guarantee.
Minimum win guarantee is the smallest prize you are guaranteed to win if you meet the winning number requirements of the wheel. The minimum win guarantee determines the number of combinations in the ...
Most Probable Range of Sums is the range of sums within which the majority of lotto number combinations fall within.
Multiple hits are two or more wins (hits) of a lotto number in a row. For example, if lotto number 5 hit on drawing 100 and drawing 101, this is a multiple hit since there were no skips between the ...
Neighbouring pairs are two consecutive numbers that hit together in one lotto drawing such as 28-29 or 1-2.
A number combination is a set of lottery numbers equal to the draw size (e.g. pick-5, pick-6) of a lotto to play for one draw panel on a lotto ticket.
A number field is the set of numbers from which a lottery draws its winning numbers. Example: Florida lotto is a pick-6 from 53 numbers. 53 is the number field.