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Revelex development and business terms glossary


37 Terms

Created by: aroger

Number of Blossarys: 1

Collected Terms

A pin or (PIN) is ostensibly a personal identification number, although for our usage a string is also valid. The pin is composed of a name and value pair that is captured from a referring URL and ...

Domain: Internet; カテゴリー: Internet communication; Websites

An office is a business unit that is physically co-located. It is comprised of persons, some of which may be agents. Those agents may belong to one or more agencies. The identity of an office may be ...

Domain: Travel; カテゴリー: Travel sites

An entity which is comprised of agents. An agency is a collection of agents that share booking credentials with one or more vendors. Agencies pay to store and track collections of booking by their ...

Domain: Travel; カテゴリー: Travel sites

A person who is responsible for facilitating a travel booking. A member of a travel agency.

Domain: Travel; カテゴリー: Travel sites

A term formerly used to describe a cruise booking proposal that had been put into the hold status. Deprecated for PA5.

Domain: Travel; カテゴリー: Cruise; Travel sites

A special purchase condition where little or no money is used to secure a travel product for a short period of time. Essential a limited time purchase that requires finalization.

Domain: Travel; カテゴリー: Air travel; Cruise; Hotels

Refers to a person that has made a payment for a product of any type. That could include a single booking or a membership.

Domain: Software; カテゴリー: CRM

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