ホーム > Blossary: Finance & Investment
M&A Glossary of Terms

カテゴリ Business

319 Terms

Created by: kirb

Number of Blossarys: 2

Collected Terms

Ao generate cash or stock from the sale or IPO of companies in a private equity portfolio of investments.

Domain: Financial services; カテゴリー: 

A law requiring entities that acquire certain amounts of stock or assets of a company to inform the Federal Trade Commission and the Department of Justice and to observe a waiting period before ...

Domain: Financial services; カテゴリー: 

A colorful label for a traditional bridge loan that includes the right of the bridge lender to convert the note to preferred stock at a price that is a 20% discount from the price of the preferred ...

Domain: Financial services; カテゴリー: 

The state of a company when it has received one or more rounds of financing and is generating revenue from its product or service. Also known as "middle stage."

Domain: Financial services; カテゴリー: 

An adjustment of an option pool for management and employees of a company which increases the number of shares available over time. This usually occurs after a financing round whereby one or more ...

Domain: Financial services; カテゴリー: 

The underwriter's over-allotment allocation in a securities offering, a standard feature of a public offering. This gives an underwriter the right (but not the obligation) to purchase additional ...

Domain: Financial services; カテゴリー: 

When a public company chooses to pay off all public investors, delist from all stock exchanges, and become owned by management, employees, and select private investors.

Domain: Financial services; カテゴリー: 

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カテゴリー: Geography

By: kirb