ホーム > Blossary: Fantasy Football
This glossary is compiled for fantasy sports lovers. Please help to contribute your own terms.

カテゴリ Sports

25 Terms

Created by: H9

Number of Blossarys: 4

Collected Terms

A player who goes from being average to a full-fledged fantasy football star. For example, Cowboys' WR Miles Austin was a breakout star in the 2009 season, going from the waiver status to Fantasy ...

Domain: Sports; カテゴリー: Football

A scoring system that awards points only for touchdowns, field goals and extra points, such as six points for touchdowns, three points for field, and one point for extra points. Other scoring systems ...

Domain: Sports; カテゴリー: Football

A report that lists the average round in which a player is typically chosen during a fantasy football draft. Fantasy leagues generate such reports based on the results of a large number of previous ...

Domain: Sports; カテゴリー: Football

Owners take turns nominating players, who are then bid on by all owners. Each owner is given a spending limit or salary cap to complete their roster. This formula was popular in many early fantasy ...

Domain: Sports; カテゴリー: Football

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