カテゴリ Business
Created by: zzcgood
Number of Blossarys: 7
A bond, usually a corporate bond, that has a higher than average risk of default, but which pays a higher than average interest rate to compensate. Junk bonds were a popular method of investment ...
The satisfaction or utility that a worker receives from employment. Job satisfaction might result from the working environment (friendly co-workers, supportive boss) or from the type of work ...
Unemployed workers who have been involuntarily laid off or fired from their jobs. This is one of the official categories or unemployed workers tracted by the Bureau of Labor Statistics when compiling ...
The four aggregate sectors of the macroeconomy--household, business, government, and foreign--that reflect four key macroeconomic functions and are responsible for four expenditures on gross domestic ...
Any sort of trade barrier--other than a tariff or import quota--that restricts imports. Some of the more popular nontariff barriers are those that specify the content of a good or how it was ...
A good bought by consumers that tends to last for less than a year. Common examples are food and clothing. The notable thing about nondurable goods is that consumers tend to continue buying them ...
A (hypothetical) method of banking in which banks keep 0 percent of their deposits in the form of bank reserves, meaning that ALL deposits are used for interest-paying loans. No-reserve banking is ...
By: zzcgood