ホーム > Blossary: Works by Michelangelo
A list of works by Renaissance artist Michelangelo.

カテゴリ Arts

21 Terms

Created by: Silentchapel

Number of Blossarys: 95

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O Doni Tondo ou Doni Madonna, às vezes chamado da Sagrada família, é o quadro painel apenas terminado o Michelangelo maduro para sobreviver. Agora na Galeria Uffizi, em Florença, na Itália e ainda em ...

Domain: Arts & crafts; カテゴリー: Oil painting

O Brutus é um busto de 1538 de Brutus por Michelangelo. Agora é no Museu Bargello, em Florença. Foi encomendado pelo republicano Donato Giannotti para Cardeal Niccolò Ridolfi. Diz-se ter sido ...

Domain: Arts & crafts; カテゴリー: Sculpture

The Sistine Chapel ceiling, painted by Michelangelo between 1508 and 1512, is a cornerstone work of High Renaissance art. The ceiling is that of the large Papal Chapel built within the Vatican ...

Domain: Arts & crafts; カテゴリー: Murals & decorative painting

The Battle of Cascina is an influential lost artwork by Michelangelo. The painting was commissioned from Michelangelo by Piero Soderini, statesman of the Republic of Florence. It was intended to be a ...

Domain: Gifts & crafts; カテゴリー: Painting & calligraphy

The Doni Tondo or Doni Madonna, sometimes called The Holy Family, is the only finished panel painting by the mature Michelangelo to survive. Now in the Uffizi in Florence, Italy, and still in its ...

Domain: Arts & crafts; カテゴリー: Oil painting

The Entombment is an unfinished painting of the placing of the body of Jesus in the garden tomb, now generally attributed to the Italian Renaissance master Michelangelo Buonarroti and dated to around ...

Domain: Arts & crafts; カテゴリー: Oil painting

The Deposition (also called the Florence Pietà, the Bandini Pietà or The Lamentation over the Dead Christ) is a marble sculpture by the Italian High Renaissance master Michelangelo. The sculpture, on ...

Domain: Arts & crafts; カテゴリー: Sculpture

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