カテゴリ Entertainment
Created by: farooq92
Number of Blossarys: 47
當其他大多數巴基斯坦的歌手越過邊界,唱歌時,一個人想不出為什麼阿裡紮法爾不做相同嗎?也許他在等待合適的時間,也許他有其他的計畫或也許他想要做不同的事情 — — 在那一時刻,我們不知道它是什麼。今天我們一定做到。他想要做邊境過境,像它從來沒有過的他最終做它。阿裡紮法爾票對寶萊塢的觀點肯定一直津津樂道的玩本 · 拉登,但只是別忘了不僅有阿裡出演了這部電影作為領導,也唱歌玩本 · 拉登的四首歌曲。'我愛 ...
Quan més altres cantants pakistanesos van creuar la frontera per cantar, un podria imaginar per què Ali Zafar no estava fent el mateix? Potser ell estava esperant el moment adequat, potser ell tenia ...
The latest singer to cross the border and join the Bollywood bandwagon is Shehzad Roy. Sure, he took time to make his singing debut there but something tells us there's going to be no looking back. ...
When most other Pakistani singers crossed the border to sing, one couldn't figure out why Ali Zafar wasn't doing the same? Maybe he was waiting for the right time, maybe he had other plans or maybe ...
Shafqat Amanat Ali made his debut in Bollywood with the famous 'Mitwa' from Karan Johar's Kabhi Alvida Na Kehna, which turned out to be a super hit! It continued to top charts for weeks and was ...
Rahat Fateh Ali Khan has sung the most for Bollywood among all other Pakistani singers. He has contributed in 30 different movies in the past 6 years and these movies have been big budget films ...
Pakistani artists and singers are known for making music of different genres whereas in India most of the music made is the typical filmy sort. And the audience demands variety, so when the need for ...