ホーム > Blossary: Nautical
This is a glossary about nautical terms used in the marine industry.

カテゴリ Other

22 Terms

Created by: abbeygrech

Number of Blossarys: 7

Collected Terms

يعرف أيضا باسم مركز الطفو، يشير إلى الكتلة من مركز الجزء مغمورة من السفينة أو كائن عائم آخر.

Domain: Maritime; カテゴリー: Ocean shipping

Lijst verwijst naar een schip leunend naar één kant onder stabiele omstandigheden, vaak veroorzaakt door ongelijke laden of overstromingen. Daarentegen "roll" verwijst naar de dynamische beweging van ...

Domain: Maritime; カテゴリー: Ocean shipping

The quality of being able to sail close to the wind with little drift to the leeward (even in a stiff wind).

Domain: Maritime; カテゴリー: Ocean shipping

List refers to a ship leaning to one side under stable conditions, often caused by uneven loading or flooding. By contrast "roll" refers to the dynamic movement from side to side caused by waves.

Domain: Maritime; カテゴリー: Ocean shipping

The term seaworthiness is used when describing the state of ships usually to say that a vessel is fit or safe to travel on the sea.

Domain: Maritime; カテゴリー: Ocean shipping

In this case the beam is loaded or other wise subjected to external forces making the beam bend in such a way that the ends curve upwards.

Domain: Maritime; カテゴリー: Ocean shipping

Hogging is the stress a ship's hull or keel experiences that causes the center or the keel to bend upward.

Domain: Maritime; カテゴリー: Ocean shipping

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