ホーム > Blossary: Human trafficking
Blossary on human trafficking

カテゴリ Science

112 Terms

Created by: Maria Pia

Number of Blossarys: 5

Collected Terms

Mõiste all mõistetakse jõudu, sealhulgas mõned vormid vägivallatu või psühholoogiline jõu kasutamise oht kasutamine. Inimesed võivad olla corced prostitutsioonile sunnitud tööjõudu jne, röövimise või ...

Domain: Human rights; カテゴリー: Human trafficking

Je to postup na podporu obete získať – prostredníctvom trestného konania, občianskoprávnej žaloby alebo administratívnych systémov – materiálne a morálne škody od perpetrator(s) alebo od štátu pre ...

Domain: Human rights; カテゴリー: Human trafficking

Je postopek, ki podpirajo žrtve, da-skozi kazenski postopek, civilno tožbo ali upravni sistemi – materialno in moralno škodo od na perpetrator(s) in/ali od države za telesno in psihično škodo utrpela ...

Domain: Human rights; カテゴリー: Human trafficking

È la procedura per sostenere la vittima per ottenere – attraverso il procedimento penale, l'azione civile o sistemi amministrativi – danni materiali e morali dalla perpetrator(s) e/o dallo stato per ...

Domain: Human rights; カテゴリー: Human trafficking

It is the procedure to support the victim to obtain – through criminal proceeding, civil action or administrative systems – material and moral damages from the perpetrator(s) and/or from the State ...

Domain: Human rights; カテゴリー: Human trafficking

The term is usually defined as a philosophy and organizational strategy that promote a partnership-based, collaborative effort between the police and the community to improve the quality of life for ...

Domain: Human rights; カテゴリー: Human trafficking

The commercial sexual exploitation of children consists of criminal practices that demean, degrade and threaten the physical and psychosocial integrity of children. There are three primary and ...

Domain: Human rights; カテゴリー: Human trafficking

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