カテゴリ Food
Created by: farooq92
Number of Blossarys: 47
Coca Cola może być traktowana jako najwcześniejszy napój energetyczny. Mimo, że nigdy nie była jako taki reklamowana i sprzedawana była pierwszym napojem gazowanym zawierającym kofeinę. Napój został ...
Coca-Cola podria ser considerada la primera "beguda energètica" - encara no comercialitzats com a tal - va ser una de les begudes carbonatades primers que contenen cafeïna. La beguda feia primer el ...
Fanta Soda made by Coca-Cola comes in over 70 flavors around the world, but their most popular flavor is Fanta Orange. Fanta Soda features popular local fruit flavors from whatever region it is ...
Refreshing soft drink made with 23 flavors to a secret recipe, the oldest major brand in the U.S. Contains 150 calories per 12oz can. Dr. Pepper has expanded their drink range with flavor variations ...
Diet Pepsi is a zero-calorie cola beverage from The Pepsi Cola Company. It comes in a wide range of sizes and a few flavor variations such as vanilla, wild cherry, and lime. Diet Pepsi is ...
Mountain Dew is a popular carbonated drink made by PepsiCo. What surprises many people is the level of caffeine in Mountain Dew - at 55mg it is significantly higher than Coca-cola. The drink comes ...
Diet Coke is possibly the most popular low-calorie soda world-wide. In fact, it is the number 2 selling soft drink right behind regular Coke. Diet Coke is also known in some countries as Coca-Cola ...