Home > Blossary: Chihuly Glass
I never realized glass art could be so rich and inspiring until I visited the Chihuly Garden and Glass exhibit in downtown Seattle. It's located right under the Space Needle and offers a whole new art experience that's unlike any other. The glass work extravaganza showcases some of the most brilliant glass sculptures I have ever seen.

Category: Arts

8 Terms

Created by: Akins

Number of Blossarys: 4

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Dale Chihuly is an American glass sculptor credited for elevating blown glass from delicate decorative objects to fine art. Born in Tacoma, Washington, Chihuly received a bachelor of arts degree in interior design in 1965 and a Master's degree in sculpture from the University of Wisconsin–Madison in 1967. He went on to study glass in Venice on a Fulbright Fellowship and later received a Master of Fine Arts at the Rhode Island School of Design. In 1971, with the support of John Hauberg and Anne Gould Hauberg, Chihuly cofounded the Pilchuck Glass School near Stanwood, Washington. In 1976, he was blinded in his left eye from a car accident in England. After recovering, he continued to blow glass until he dislocated his right shoulder in a 1979 bodysurfing accident. Hi continued his work with glass by drawing his designs on paper first before they were sculpted by his students. His works changed the field of blown glass by moving it to large-scale sculpture for artistic installations and environmental design.

Domain: Arts & crafts; Category: Fine art

Dale Chihuly és un vidre americà escultor acreditat per vidre bufat elevant de delicats objectes decoratius a l'art de fina. Chihuly nascut a Tacoma, Washington, rebia un grau de llicenciatura en interiorisme el 1965 i un Màster en escultura el 1967 de la Universitat de Wisconsin-Madison. Va anar a estudi de vidre a Venècia en una beca Fulbright i més tard va rebre un Màster en Belles Arts a la Rhode Island School of Design. El 1971, amb el suport de John Hauberg i Anne Gould Hauberg, Chihuly cofinançat amb l'escola Pilchuck de vidre prop Stanwood, Washington. El 1976, va ser encegat al seu ull esquerre d'un accident de cotxe a Anglaterra. Després de recuperar-se, continuà a bufat fins va disloquen l'espatlla dreta en un accident bodysurfing 1979. Hola continuà el seu treball amb vidre dibuixant els seus dissenys sobre paper primer abans que ells foren esculpits pels seus alumnes. Les seves obres ha canviat el sector del vidre bufat per desplaçar-los a escultures de gran format per a la instal • lació artística i disseny sostenible.

Domain: Arts & crafts; Category: Fine art

The glass boat is a special art form of Chihuly, who first filled boats with glass in Finland during the Chihuly Over Venice project in 1995. During the project, Chihuly and the team made temporary glass installations along the Nuutajoki which is a river nearby. He would toss glass balls and objects into the river, letting them float downstream. Local kids in small wooden rowboats gathered them, and it was probably then that Chihuly saw the opportunity for a new type of glass installation. When the team found a partially submerged wooden rowboat, which was hauled out and emptied of mud and debris, Chihuly filled it to overflowing with glass. He has continued to create glass boat installations ever since.

Domain: Arts & crafts; Category: Fine art

El vaixell de vidre és una especial forma art de Chihuly, qui primer ple de vaixells amb vidre a Finlàndia durant el projecte Chihuly sobre Venècia l'any 1995. Durant el projecte, Chihuly i l'equip va fer instal·lacions temporals vidre al llarg de la Nuutajoki que és un riu proper. Va vols tirar boles de vidre i objectes en el riu, deixar-los flotar riu avall. Local nens en petits bots de rems fusta reunir-los, i probablement fou llavors que Chihuly veure l'oportunitat d'un nou tipus d'instal lació de vidre. Quan l'equip va trobar un pot fusta parcialment submergides, que va ser duts a terme i buidat de fang i runa, Chihuly-lo ple gom a gom amb vidre. Ell ha continuat crear instal·lacions de vaixell de vidre des d'aleshores.

Domain: Arts & crafts; Category: Fine art

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