カテゴリ Literature
Created by: dnatalia
Number of Blossarys: 60
The name of three ladies, Charlotte, Emily, and Anne, daughters of a Yorkshire clergyman of Irish extraction: Charlotte, born at Thornton, Yorkshire; removed with her father, at the age of four, to ...
Jane Eyre è un giovane orfano cresciuto da Mrs. Reed, sua zia crudele, benestante. Un servo di nome Bessie fornisce Jane con alcuni tra i pochi gentilezze che lei riceve, raccontando le sue storie e ...
這是勃朗特 ' s 第二部出版的小說後簡 · 愛 》 (最初發表在勃朗特姐妹下 ' s 化名柯勒貝爾)。這本小說是設置在約克郡 1811年 — — 12 期拿破崙戰爭和 1812 年戰爭所造成的工業大蕭條時期。這本小說是設置在約克郡紡織行業 Luddite 起義的背景下。 雖然勃朗特在寫雪麗,她的兄弟姐妹的三個死了。她的哥哥倫威爾死于 1848 年 9 月,和她妹妹艾米莉生病了,死 ...
C'était des Brontë ' deuxième roman publié de s après Jane Eyre (publié d'abord sous Brontë ' pseudonyme s Currer Bell). Le roman est situé dans le Yorkshire dans la période 1811-12, pendant ...
Tas bija Brontē ' s publicēja otro romānu pēc Džeina Eira (sākotnēji tika publicēts zem Brontē ' s pseidonīma Currer Bell). Romāns ir iestatīts Yorkshire periodā, 1811 – 12, industriāla krīze ...
Brontë yapıldı. ' s sonra Jane Eyre'deki ikinci yayınlanan romanı (başlangıçta Brontë altında Yayınlanan ' s takma keşfedilmesiyle Bell). Roman Yorkshire için yapılan dönemde 1811 – 12, ...
It was Brontë's second published novel after Jane Eyre (originally published under Brontë's pseudonym Currer Bell). The novel is set in Yorkshire in the period 1811–12, during the industrial ...