ホーム > Blossary: Causes of Inflation
Inflation is the devastating condition when prices just keep going up, eating away at your standard of living.

カテゴリ Business

6 Terms

Created by: rufaro9102

Number of Blossarys: 41

Collected Terms

Pār izplešanās ir arī cits iemesls; naudas piedāvājums ir ne tikai naudas, bet arī kredīts, kredīti un hipotēkas. Kad lēti kredīti, tad tur būs pārāk daudz naudas pakaļdzīšanās pārāk maz preces, ...

Domain: Financial services; カテゴリー: General Finance

Au cours de l'expansion est également une autre cause ; la masse monétaire n'est pas juste en espèces, mais aussi le crédit, les prêts et les hypothèques. Lorsque les prêts sont bon marchés, alors il ...

Domain: Financial services; カテゴリー: General Finance

Over expansion is also another cause; the money supply is not just cash, but also credit, loans and mortgages. When loans are cheap, then there will be too much money chasing too few goods, creating ...

Domain: Financial services; カテゴリー: General Finance

Dit isn ' t zo gebruikelijk als demand-pull inflatie, omdat het treedt alleen op wanneer er een tekort aan aanbod is gecombineerd met genoeg vraag dat de producent om prijzen te verhogen. ...

Domain: Financial services; カテゴリー: General Finance

This isn't as common as demand-pull inflation, because it only occurs when there is a shortage of supply combined with enough demand to allow the producer to raise prices. Wage inflation can ...

Domain: Financial services; カテゴリー: General Finance

Demand-pull inflation is the most common. It's is when demand for a good or service increases so much that it outstrips supply. If sellers maintain the price, they will sell out.

Domain: Financial services; カテゴリー: General Finance

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