ホーム > Blossary: my aviation glossary - meu glossário de aviação
aviation words

カテゴリ Other

34 Terms

Created by: fernandaligocky

Number of Blossarys: 3

Collected Terms

A flight condition wherein the airflow separates from the airfoil surface, or the airflow around the airfoil becomes turbulent, causing the airfoil to lose lift. It is usually a result of ...

Domain: Aviation; カテゴリー: General aviation Collected Term

The primary control surface in yaw (sideways movement), it is usually hinged and attached to the trailing edge of the vertical stabilizer on an aircraft’s tail.

Domain: Aviation; カテゴリー: General aviation Collected Term

A movable horizontal airfoil, usually attached to the horizontal stabilizer on the tail, that is used to control pitch. It usually changes the attitude of the nose, making it move up and down.

Domain: Aviation; カテゴリー: General aviation Collected Term

Paved surface, usually rectangular and of defined extent, available and suitable for aeroplane takeoff and landing.

Domain: Aviation; カテゴリー: General aviation Collected Term

Uma condição de vôo em que o fluxo de ar se separa da superfície do aerofólio, ou o fluxo de ar em torno do aerofólio se torna turbulento, fazendo com que o aerofólio perca sustentação. É geralmente ...

Domain: Aviation; カテゴリー: General aviation Collected Term

Superfície primária de controle na guinada (movimento lateral), é geralmente articulado e conectado ao bordo de fuga do estabilizador vertical na cauda de um avião.

Domain: Aviation; カテゴリー: General aviation Collected Term

Aerofólio horizontal móvel, geralmente conectado ao estabilizador horizontal na cauda, que é usado para controlar a inclinação. Geralmente muda a atitude do nariz, fazendo com que este se mova para ...

Domain: Aviation; カテゴリー: General aviation Collected Term

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clothes - terms termwiki asked me to translate

カテゴリー: Fashion

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jewellery - terms termwiki asked me to translate

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