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pranimi i të dhënave fillestare
Initial data capture is the first phase of the publication process for a patent where the patent file is electronically captured. It takes approximately 6 weeks from the date that the allowed file is received for the completion of the Initial Data Capture of the application. The application is then sent to the File Maintenance Facility (FMF) for matching of the issue fee and any other correspondence. The application may stay in the FMF for approximately 1-2 weeks. However, if all requirements are not yet fulfilled the application will remain at the FMF until the requirements are met. Once all files are matched, the application will move to the FDC.
(Video rekorder personal) vrp
A generic term for a device that is similar to a VCR but records television data in digital format as opposed to the VCR's analog format. PVRs have ...
Browers Terms By Category
- スキンケア(179)
- 整形外科(114)
- Hair style(61)
- 豊胸手術(58)
- Cosmetic products(5)
美容(417) Terms
- Plastic injection molding(392)
- Industrial manufacturing(279)
- 紙製品(220)
- ファイバーグラス(171)
- Contract manufacturing(108)
- ガラス(45)